Monday 9 May 2011


So I’ve entered the big, bad world of blogging, have I? I’ve never been one who is up with the times of technology, so to speak. I only just bought an iPhone and still feel that tinge of superiority over the general public even though I realise probably 75% of them have it as well… and had it before I did. So as a blogger, I steal feel relatively ‘new age’, but there is an educated part of me that knows this is far from the truth.

So who am I, and why should you follow my blog? I watch movies. I love a good flick and I’m the kind of bloke who will tell you all about it when I find that one that ticks all the boxes. There’s nothing I enjoy more than getting completely lost in a story line and only realising that you were actually watching a movie until the final credits start rolling down the screen and you realise that you have to enter back into the mundane reality that you have been so far away from for two hours.

As a 21 year old Melbournian, I like to offer views and opinions from a slightly different perspective than you are sure to find in more mainstream areas. Is this purely a film review blog? No, it’s not. Yes, it will be home to all my archived reviews and will be sure to provide the perfect avenue for all new ones to come out to play, but it will also be a place for general movie discussion. Anything that pops into my head, will make it’s way onto here. Lucky you…

There you have it, I’ve entered the 21st century and I’m excited to be here. Stay tuned because I’m here to stay and hopefully enlighten you on all things movies that you didn’t already know. Sit back and enjoy and let me do all the work. That’s just the kind of guy I am.



  1. You sound cute, are you single?

  2. Ahh, TheBigFish. I've heard so much.
    We finally meet on the blogosphere...
