Monday 23 May 2011

The Proposal (18/06/09) [Archive]

The Proposal (2009)

Director - Anne Fletcher
Starring - Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds

3 stars

Oh how I love Ryan Reynolds. It's official, Van Wilder himself is my favourite actor. Seriously, the man is brilliant and this man crush goes beyond his boyishly handsome exterior. He is a very talented actor and really should be (and probably is) regardless as a Hollywood powerhouse. Of late he has played some great roles in a more 'puffy' sort of environment but it doesn't stop him nailing every single one. He stole my heart in 'Definitely, Maybe' and he has done it once again in this one, bouncing of Sandra Bullock brilliantly to once again create an incredibly, believable character. Master.

Anyways, that's Reynolds covered, sadly I can't be as positive about the movie. It's a pretty do-able storyline that was always going to work, especially with Reynolds and Bullock headlining the show. Boss of a successful corporation is going to be deported to Canada because of a failed visa application. She blackmails her assistant into marrying her for legal reasons so she can stay in the country and he regretfully accepts. They are forced to spend time together and secretly come to realise that maybe, just maybe, behind the hatred they express they actually do care for one another :O ... the rest you'll have to watch for yourself.

This is by no means a groundbreaking chick flick, and I would know. Still, as a romantic comedy I feel that I did have a bias against it before I saw that. You see, two nights earlier I had watched The Hangover to get a ravishing dose of comedy and the day before I treated myself to a screening of Jae-young Kwak's My Sassy Girl, the mother of all romances. So here I am, watching this cute little rom com with my comedy and romance senses still stimulated from previous films - The Proposal was never going to win.

With that said it is just that, a cute little rom com, and I'm not about to go and condemn it for that reason alone. It was enjoyable, and provided some light-hearted laughs and genuine entertainment. I think the Reynolds/Bullock relationship worked well. They had a bit of chemistry and that was good, but I could never actually see it working between them, so I dunno, casting issue??

So there you have it, if you like chick flicks then go and see it because you know what you like, and with The Proposal you pretty much know what you're going to get. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see it again and I definitely think I will in a time where I'm not suffering from my Hangover/Sassy Girl predicament!

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