Monday 23 May 2011

Saw VI (25/10/09) [Archive]

Saw VI (2009)

Director - Kevin Greutert
Starring - Tobin Bell & Costas Mandylor

4 stars

It must be Halloween.
For the last six years, like clockwork, the general public is blessed with the latest edition of crude deaths and horrifying realisations and we all know that the Saw boys are at it again.

Six years ago I got my socks knocked off by a genuine classic. Saw revolutionised the horror genre will always be one of those films that can start a flurry of conversation. One year later they somehow replicated their brilliance and since then they have continued to maintain this standard with four more chapters of Jigsaw's work. It gets to the stage where I just can't wait until October.

Seeing a good movie is a funny thing. The end credits roll down the screen and I seem to be accompanied by a glistening smile on my lips. Whether it is a 'happy ending', a tragic journey or a Saw film, my reaction is the same - satisfaction. Last night I was initially disturbed at this discovery and thought to myself, "you sick bastard, as if you're smiling at that!" but I eventually discovered that I was displaying a mere appreciation for the cinema experience and my thought process was more along the lines, "well, they've done it again".

And that, for me, is the notion that I take from the Saw films. They've done it again. How the hell do they keep doing it so bloody well when every year we are bombarded with countless sub par horror flicks from the Hollywood world? How come all these writers and directors continuously make dozens of shit movies for every good one when the Saw boys are six for six? I'm getting to the stage now where I just don't concern myself with this conundrum and simply bask in the blinding light (or darkness?) that comes around every October.

With five films preceding it, it's hard not to have expectations before going to see Saw 6, but rest assured, these will be filled. Saw films have the tendency to gross out the viewer, make them think, throw in a number of twists and manage to link it all together. After a screening, audience members are often exhausted but don't feel at all cheated because they have witnessed another ripper.

The beauty of this film by itself is its brilliant ability to continue to draw back to the previous installments and ensure that everything that happens makes complete and utter sense. There are more than one, 'ohhh of course' moments throughout its entirety and certainly enough ammunition to impress. Jigsaw's games are back and as tough as ever but with John Kramer (aka the original Jigsaw) dying a few shows back, the police have the unenviable task of locating his imitator. When we see a familiar face come back onto the case we are relieved that maybe they will be on the right track this time but the process of capturing such a mastermind is not as simple as first thought.

The same questions will be asked; who is linked to whom? What involvement do they have in the game? And of course, who's game actually is it?

We see what people will go through to stay alive as, for the first time in the Saw series, lives are given a value and people will have to choose whose life is more valuable, and who will live to fight another day. This will brilliantly prompt the quote - "Look at me while you're killing me". A genuine classic for mine!

It's a must see if you've seen the others. I'm so glad I jumped on the Saw train from the start and have never once considered jumping off at any platform. A magnificent cinema experience and a must see!

Live or die. Make your choice.

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